Councillor Anne-Marie Butler

I chose to make Downswood my home back in 1996 and have lived here ever since. I had two children here who both used the local facilities, preschools and schools but are now grown up themselves – we have truly experienced all that Downswood has to offer through life. My passion on the Parish Council is raising the voices of those that are not heard elsewhere – young children, old people, less mobile and everybody should be considered at our meetings, not just those who shout. Being an inclusive person, I am keen to ensure that the work of the Parish Council is accessible and that everyone is able to benefit. I also represent Downswood at the Kent Association of Local Council meetings, where all Parish Councils in the Maidstone area discuss Borough-wide issues, ensuring that our voice is heard and that actions taken by other Parishes do not adversely impact Downswood.
Having served on the Parish Council for many years, I understand the opportunities that being a Parish Councillor can bring, but also the limitations. There are strict rules which must be adhered to (which does give the public a level of assurance) but I appreciate that some may find these a frustration or hindrance. Remembering that these rules are there for everyone’s protection certainly helps when decisions need to be made or rescheduled for discussion at a subsequent meeting! The Parish Council must remain apolitical at all times and, whilst our Borough and County Councillor’s represent their respective parties, these views and beliefs must not be brought to the Parish Council table – I am not a member of any political party and therefore can simply represent Downswood itself. The Parish and those who live in it are my top priority!
When it comes down to it, I am simply a local resident who wants to ensure that the place that I live in is the best that it can be. I am sure that many others feel the same!