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Maidstone Borough Design & Sustainability Development Plan Document Regulation 18 Consultation

2nd May 2023

Maidstone Borough Council has committed to delivering a Design and Sustainability Development Plan Document (DPD) to site alongside its Local Plan and forthcoming Local Plan Review. The Design and Sustainability DPD – Preferred Approaches (Regulation 18) document has been prepared for public consultation. The consultation document puts forward a range of draft policies around the following themes, which new developments will be assessed against:

  • Placemaking
  • Streets and Buildings
  • Open Space and Nature
  • Movement
  • Sustainable Buildings
  • Design Quality

The Preferred Approaches document is accompanied by a consultation on the Sustainability Appraisal. A Sustainability Appraisal is an iterative process which runs alongside the production of the Design and Sustainability DPD and helps inform the ongoing decision-making process. The Sustainability Appraisal document being consulted on considers the draft policies against sustainability objectives.

The Preferred Approaches document and Sustainability Appraisal, along with the evidence base and other information can be viewed and downloaded from the council’s website

https://localplan.maidstone.gov.uk/home/design-and-sustainability-development-plan-document and is available for inspection at:

  • Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6JQ by appointment. Please contact the Strategic Planning Team, by email at: ldf@maidstone.gov.uk or by phone 01622 602000.
  • All libraries in Maidstone Borough area during normal opening hours

Period for representations: The consultation period for receipt of representations on the Design and Sustainability DPD will be from 4.00pm on 28th April 2023 to 5.00pm on 12th June 2023. Duly made representations must be received by the Borough Council within this period. No representations will be accepted outside of this period.

Making representations: Representations can be made during consultation period set out above directly online via the consultation portal at:


Alternatively, representations may be made by email and post using the downloadable response form on the Design and Sustainability DPD web page, or in writing using a paper response form.

  • By email to: ldf@maidstone.gov.uk
  • By post to: Strategic Planning, Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, ME15 6JQ

Paper copies of the response form can be printed using the downloadable form on the Design and Sustainability DPD web page. A paper response form can be requested by phoning 01622 602000. Posted response forms must be received by the Borough Council within the stated consultation period set out above.

All consultation comments will be made publicly available on the consultation portal (https://maidstone-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/) in due course. This is so that interested parties can view all the responses that have been received. Published information will include the comment and responder name. All demographic and contact data will be removed. All data is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The consultation responses will be used to inform the next stages of the Design and Sustainability DPD

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