Update - Foxden Drive Ramp, Steps and Lighting
5th October 2023
Update received 23.10.23
Confirmation has been received from Bellway Homes that the new ramp is now tarmacked and the anti-slip coating will be applied this week. However, a delay in the reopening of the footpath is expected as 5 street columns have been added to the scheme. These are currently being sourced and will be connected as soon as possible, at which point it will be reopened to the public.
MBC's Parks and Open Spaces also have concerns about this project and they are currently seeking clarification on what is being handed over to the Borough on completion of the works.
The design that was accepted by the Council seemingly does not include additional lighting but they have confirmed that it was certainly not agreed to remove existing lamp columns (originally provided by MBC).’
Further updates will be shared as they become available.